Category Archives: Participation

Gillian’s Bike Blog – Week 1

Gillo on Bike

Picture this…you’re cycling down a quiet country road with the wind whistling through your hair, the sun shining on your face and your lungs filling up with fresh air. Well, some cyclists in Ireland would relate to that feeling but some would say that sounds too good to be true. For some it’s all about busy suburban and city roads, where they meet traffic chaos every day on their way into work as they dodge man-hole covers which become lethal in the rain.

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Operation Transformation: Keep On Moving – Week 5


The Operation Transformation 5k Fun Runs in the Beautiful Grounds of Dublin’s Phoenix Park and Cork’s Blarney Castle is only a few days away. Leading up to the run we have covered a wide range of topics including the benefits of running for your physical and mental health, warming up and cooling down correctly, nutrition and hydration tips and how to create that all important ‘runners mindset’.
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Operation Transformation: Keep On Moving – Week 4


Let’s start this week’s post with a great quote from Henry Ford – “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t- you’re right.”

This is true when it comes to ‘Running’ – How many times have you heard someone or even said it to yourself – ‘Oh I wish I could do that’ or ‘I’m not a real Runner!’. How do we overcome these negative thoughts that make us doubt our own abilities?
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